Topband: roofing filter FT1000 (D)

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Tue Nov 22 14:38:16 EST 2005

Bert Hollander <pa7mm at> wrote:  Hello, i am curious anyone has experience on topband with the new roofing filter from Inrad for the FT1000(D) series.
I decided to upgrade my old FT1000 (see also the w8ji site) and keep it for more years. Also i am not using  the Ft1000 250 hz
filters because of to much signal loss..      Change into 400hz filters worthwhile ?Bet,
   i recently installed the Inrad roofing filter in my  FT1000D.  If you are looking for a magic bullet, this is not it.  However, it does what is is supposed to do. It provides a noticeable  improvement in topband CW operation by virtue of helping to minimize  the effect nearby strong signals. This is most noticeable in the  operation of the noise blanker. Casual operators might not notice the  difference, but it is there and if you are after the last possible bit  of improvement, it's worth the money.
  The kit is well done with good instructions and an easy installation. 
  BTW, if I didn't have my 250 Hz filter, I'd have to give up low band  CW. If yours causes "too much signal loss" I'd say the filter has gone  bad and should be replaced. No signal loss in mine.
  Larry - W7IUV
  DN07dg - central WA

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