Topband: T vertical is up

W5UN w5un at
Mon Oct 3 17:26:47 EDT 2005

Good luck with the elevated radials. I have a full size topband GP here
with the base 20 feet above ground and four horizontal radials at that
height also. Works pretty well here, although this season should tell the
whole story about that. 

I did considerable testing of a single GP on 80 meters before building my
4-square for that band. I found that three elevated radials at 10 feet
height on that band beat my ground mounted GP with a 3/8 wl ground screen
and 32 1/4wl radials. I was shocked! Soil conditions will probably be a
factor, so I am not saying this will work the same way for your location.
The only way to know for sure is to build both and do the comparative
testing. Yes, a lot of work, I know, but I've been there and the rewards
are great. 

A topband 4-square could be in the works here but that depends on the
medical report tomorrow.

At 11:34 10/3/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>KK7UV wrote:
>So, my choices are this point are:
>1.  8 elevated radials, 8 to 10 feet above very poor ground
>2.  20 to 30 on-the-ground radials (perhaps 8 to 12 of them buried) over
>very poor ground.
>         Steve, I might opt for #1, but it's probably
>close to a wash and whichever is easier for you
>to do.  From Colorado, I used a vertical GP with
>~20 elevated radials only 2-3' above ground.  I
>had no choice because half of my radials were over
>a garden plot which I needed to till each season.
>I simply moved the radials to the side each year
>at the beginning of May, and then moved them
>back in September.  My system worked fairly well
>for DX-ing (DXCC 238 when I left Colorado in
>1993) and contests (won CQ 160 CW - USA Zone 4
>many times including several Top 10 USA finishes).
>         Since your radial height is much higher than
>mine was, I suspect the systems might be equivalent
>even though you're using fewer radials.
>                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV
>Topband mailing list
>Topband at

73, Dave - W5UN						w5un at

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