Topband: "Is your feedline also an antenna?"

MW Comercial mw_comercial at
Fri Oct 7 05:35:02 EDT 2005

> What I'd like to know is how to deal with an elevated shack like mine.
> I get similar results to Mac with respect to receiving signals off the
> shield, but I'm not surprised since a good 10-15 m of the feedline is
> up in the air.

Hi Larry,

My shack is also an "elevated" shack on the second floor... I have more than
20m of the feed line that is not buried, beacuse it goes trough whole my

This was the first point I decided to check. But, it appeared that those
first 20 m of the coax connected to TRX hears almost nothing! The "noise
story" becomes when rest of the coax is connected (the rest means that part
which is buried, shield grounded,etc). But in my QTH the problem may be in
the remote switcher and other "boxes", so that's what I'm going to check
this weekend.


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