Topband: Boring Report

Tom McAlee tom at
Thu Oct 13 12:13:52 EDT 2005

N6TR wrote:
> As others have reported, the QSB has been very deep and long

It was the same here in Virginia last night and it seemed the Europeans were 
experiencing the same thing.  Signals like OZ1DD and GM0GAV were a solid S9 
for 20 to 30 seconds, then they would drop to just above the noise level for 
20 to 30 seconds.

I'm new to top band... last year was my first time on the band and last 
night was my first time on this season; but, I've never heard anything like 
that before.

I'm just using one of the 67 foot verticals from my 80m array with a base 
loading coil on it.  But, there is a bunch of wire under it (each vertical 
has 130 radials, 1/2-wave or longer on 80m).  Some of the EU stations were 
hearing me better than I was hearing them.

The K9AY works very well for me on 80m; it outdoes the vertical array often. 
>From what I heard on 160m last night, it doesn't outdo the single 1/8-wave 
vertical much.  There were a few times when the improved S-to-N ratio made 
copying easier on it, but when the QSB set in I had to go back to the 
vertical to be able to copy.

I've been giving serious consideration to the active receiving 4 square 
array from DX Engineering.  But, I've not seen any reviews yet.  Does anyone 
have any experience with it?

Tom, NI1N

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