Topband: AWESOME VK6 conditions/LP NA

Steve Ireland vk6vz at
Sun Oct 16 20:46:24 EDT 2005


Finally, it seems like the conditions everywhere are mirroring the bottom 
of this sunspot cycle.

Inspired by the recent DX reports I read in the 160m reflector archive, I 
got up half an hour before sunrise this morning.  Man, the band was smoking!

After a quick tune-across had revealed loads of European station, I called 
CQ.  After working a couple of stations, the European pile-up became 
massive and the 'S' meter was locked S9+.  The only time I have signal 
levels like this was when operating from VY2ZM (where 160 does sound like 

At 2137, Paul N1BUG was in the log, actually peaking 579, on the LP.  Jack 
VE1ZZ called at 2141Z and was peaking 599 on the 'S' meter!  The last 'LP' 
signal was K1CP, worked at 2149Z, but a modest 449.

The band finally died out half an hour after my sunrise, which for these 
latitudes is a VERY LONG TIME!  I2PWA was the last in the log.

For those on the east coast of America, if you want to work VK6 long path, 
this the time to do it.  In the past I think Mike VK6HD has worked as far 
as NY.  Let's see how far the envelope can be pushed...

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ 

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