Topband: TOPBAND these days in OK1

Milan Gütter, OK1FM ok1fm at
Wed Oct 19 02:28:27 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Quite good CONDX on TOPBAND was this days in OK1.

Using new large switch able outside Beverage system 
for RX contains from 7 long Beverages to all directions.

TX antenna is shunt-feed-tower at home.

Starting activity at 22.00 the Oct 14th. with VE
and WKD over 55 stations from W1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 0, 
then KP4, CO, TF and others up to Saturday 04.30UTC when QRT. 
Some peaked really 599.
My SR was 05.25UTC

Shortly HRD few W6 calling me at morning, but was too weak and QSB.
Not success with KL7. Was on the band but not HRD at Fr/Sa night.

Sunday Oct.16th, morning 05 - 07.30UTC WKD only few QSOs (W1, 3, 5)
and heard quite good (up to 569) the KL7HBK for over 10 minutes
around 05.20. He was calling many times CQ, but did not HRD my sigs.

No QRV at Monday.

At Tuesday Oct.18th HRD John KL7HBK starting 04.40UTC 
and WKD him at 05.00UTC (25min before my SR) with 559/339.

Who interested can download my sound file with KL7HBK sigs 
(and others, but 43Mb !)
Start 04.50UTC at Oct.18th

73 and CU on TOPBAND / 80m

Milan, OK1FM
ok1fm at

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