Topband: reflectivity of the moon

Carl K9LA k9la at
Wed Oct 19 20:22:56 EDT 2005

  The quoted value of 12% is the reflectivity (albedo) of the moon at 
visible light wavelengths (400 to 700 nm).

What's important is the reflectivity at wavelengths that can cause 
ionization of atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen, and molecular nitrogen 
(the species that form our ionosphere). These are wavelengths shorter 
than about 100 nm. At 100 nm the albedo of the moon is around 7%, and 
it's down to about 1% at 40 nm, and it keeps dropping as the wavelength 
gets shorter. With all due respect to W7DD, his theory from his CQ 
article just doesn't make sense based on these values.

Carl K9LA

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