Topband: Loop Antenna Request

Kevin Nathan k7rx at
Thu Oct 20 23:56:19 EDT 2005

Hello All,

I have gotten a lot of good advice from many of you in the past regarding antennas, both transmit and receive.  I have finally gotten a quarter wave inverted L put up which seems to be doing a nice job for me with great reports so far.  Now, I need to concentrate on the receive side of the equation.

IN the past I have corresponded with many of you about EWE antennas, snakes and so on.  However, after due consideration, I need to note here that my primary problem is reducing local noise on the receive antenna and thus I feel a loop might best do the trick for me.  I currently have a big, single turn shielded
coaxial loop I built and then equipped with one of KC2TX's tuning boxes.  However, this loop has never performed for me and I have to run a long run of RG-58 to get to it.  I want to shift to something smaller, perhaps even in the shack.  I do not have room for something like the K9AY systems in my location.

IN reading about various loops I note the Palomar, among others and wonder if anyone on the list is using this or a similar loop successfully.  I need to be able to turn whatever I end up using to null out various noise sources and do have a small TV rotator I can use for that purpose if I go with something outside.

Basically, I need some feedback on the Palomar or other small commercially available or home brew loops.  I am totally blind so specific construction details on
any home brew items would be very helpful.  Also, if anyone has such a small loop and would like to sell it, I would like to talk with you.

Thanks much to all and very 73.

Kevin :)
Amateur Radio:  K7RX

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