Topband: FW: KL7HBK this morning

Jaroslav Semotán OK1RD ok1rd at
Fri Oct 21 12:43:48 EDT 2005

> ______________________________________________ 
> From: 	Jaroslav Semotán OK1RD [mailto:ok1rd at] 
> Sent:	Friday, October 21, 2005 1:12 PM
> To:	Topband Digest (topband at
> Subject:	KL7HBK this morning
> Hello,
> I was following John's 160m band operation every morning here last several
> days. KL7HBK station signals has come through into OK1 spot every day with
> S4-7 strength (CONGRATULATION) on my 750m long Beverage at his direction (
> 10 deg.).
> As having 9 times KL7 stations qso confirmed on topband already I did not
> called him to give chance another EU for a new one.
> The topband conditions where excellent between KL7 and OK1  this morning.
> John came here with real 599 ( if I can believe remote S-meter ) over
> higher QRN. He came back to me on first call and the same on my OL5R
> callsign again a few minutes  after. The station was readable almost 1
> hour with strong signal. I tested his readability on both "next-door"
> Beverages 
> ( 310deg. and 40deg.) but nothing heard. The same situation when tried
> read from vertical of course.
> Not often we could hear this sort of conditions here, mean so strictly
> directional hearing. Shortly magic topband.
> 73 Jarda  OK1RD    

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