Topband: Re Asian Jammer..

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at
Mon Oct 24 00:56:25 EDT 2005

VK3ZL lamented:

>I find it very annoying to be subjected to this "new" interference so 
>casually inflicted upon
>160 meter ham's world wide.As it is we have to tolerate random fishnet 
>beacons and broadcast birdies all over the band.I wonder how the Ham's 
>from the offending country feel about it.Guess they have even less chance 
>to voice objection to the problem.
>Last night the Jammer was running S8 at my location.If it is to become a 
>permanent fixture then I guess a lot of operators will lose interest in 
>the band.
>I have always tried to work the "Little Guy's"when we have good 
>condition's on 160 but this interferance will certainly put a stop to that.
>Most dissappointing after 27 year's of continuous Topband operating..

This now makes the 4th band or good chunk of band we have lost
to what looks like mainland Chinese intruders.

Bob may not realize it, but he has hit upon an angle that should
be pursued: face.  The difficulty will be in knowing if what you say
is understood, so seeing how in VR we have returned to the
glorious motherland, everyone take a moment to thank the next
VR2 you run into on the bands for all the intruders.

It is both interesting & saddening to observe the conflict between
patriotism & the rule-of-law right up close...

73, VR2BrettGraham

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