Topband: Take-Off Angle Question

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at
Mon Oct 24 10:53:54 EDT 2005

Bill Tippett wrote:

>         It's been a weird experience in the evenings to
>tune across the band using a Beverage toward Europe.
>European signals sound like locals (S9+) and Western
>NA signals sound like DX.
Here in upstate NY I have two very short Beverages -- one "sorta" NE 
(300 feet) and one "sorta" NW (200 feet).  Usually they give me only a 
few dB of differential gain or rejection.  But last night was quite 
unusual.  N6TR and I called a European station simultaneously at one 
point.  I didn't even realize Tree was in there until the EU station 
came back to him.  I switched to the NW Beverage and Tree went from 
inaudible to 589 !  From then on, I switched back and forth between the 
two Beverages at each mini-pile-up I came across, and I had similar 
results with at least another five or six west coast USA and both 
western Canada stations I heard -- plus, of course, KL7HBK.

>  I believe this is due to
>the very low-angle propagation since Beverages work
>best (max F/R) at very low angles.  See the very
>bottom of the web page above for an elevation plot
>of an end-fire Beverage array.
There have been many nights when I've been ready to tear down my short 
Beverages.  After last night, they're "keepers" !!!

Using W6EL MiniProp's Frequency Map this morning with K=1, I had to 
crank the solar flux up to 120 to simulate this morning's 15-meter 
opening to Europe from this 44-degree northern latitude.  Interesting, 
coming on the heels of the last few nights' topband conditions.

Bud, W2RU

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