Topband: USA and CQ!

Osten B Magnusson sm5dqc at
Mon Oct 24 11:33:05 EDT 2005


As not having the area needed for antennas like
SM5EDX, SM5CEU, SM4CAN etc. there is no
idea for me to call CQ, however most US-stations
come back to me when I answer a CQ-call. 

BUT very few US-stations do that, most only answer
the strong EU-stations. I copy stations like KJ0M,
N7JW etc. in "rare" states very fine but never hear
them calling CQ. I will be on the band the coming
morning (local time here) from around 0200 UTC
and I'm looking forward to hear at least some CQ's
from USA! Maybe K0RF works as many QSO's as
the rest of you when he often calls CQ.

I'm running an inverted L (used for also RX) and
1 KW, but also needed are the propagations like
it's been the last few days...

73/DX de Osten SM5DQC    sm5dqc at


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