Topband: hurray

Tom Whiteside tomw at
Tue Oct 25 10:19:01 EDT 2005

I had to chuckle at Tree's characterization of the suffering the non-East 
coast has been under this week having to deal with all this 160M DX that 
does not normally constrain our other activities.    Here in Texas, it has 
been a really good week with lots of European station for a few nights in a 
row.   Last night as I started listening, my Beverages all sounded goofy - 
gotta figure that out today but was hearing plenty on the transmit antenna.

S58A was particularly loud - oddly, I could barely hear RA6AX and he is 
usually really loud when the band is open.    To my surprise, I heard 4X4WN 
CQing - I have tried to get David on 160M for YEARS but I had never heard 
him this well before.    That was very cool - thanks, David!

Tom N5TW 

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