Topband: Assembly of Softrock V6 for 160m

Tod tod at
Fri Apr 14 13:35:20 EDT 2006

Steve Ireland provided a discussion of the V6 kit for 160m and I immediately
ordered one with which to experiment. I am curious to know if I can use the
little receiver for detecting 160m signals that would be hard for me to find
by ear. I suspect it might prevent a bit of hearing loss to use the silent
computer rather than the noisy headphones.

Yesterday's mail brought me both the 160m kit and the 80/40m kit from Tony
($14 each including shipping).

I have a request in to Mike, WA6OUW, to do the soldering of the SMD parts
[there are four 0.025 spacing IC's to install on each board]. The rest of
the kit is composed of tiny, but not SMD, parts which a person can install
using equipment most Topband folks have today. The 2.5 by 2.5 boards are
solder masked, silk screened and plated through which will make the assembly
(except for the SMD) straight forward. Even the mounting posts were

My previous experience with Mike has been superb  --- very fast turnaround,
very low cost and professional quality work. Shipping by USPS which is
"dirt" cheap.

If others have any interest in such SMD work for a V6 they can contact me
directly by email and I will provide them Mike's contact information and
pricing for doing one of these boards. Unless you are in the business I
suspect it will be cost effective for him to do it.

I figure that I can't assemble the parts for $14 much less have a
professional grade PCB to put them into. The same software (free) that is
used for the FlexRadio can operate this little radio.

For guys who may be at Visalia next week --- I will bring along one of the
kits for folks to examine [not assembled] so you can see if it is within
your current range of capability.


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