Topband: kh8si

jhsimon jhsimon at
Wed Aug 2 17:39:48 EDT 2006

I used a much less scientific approach. I inadvertently woke up coughing at 3 am this morning, and, afraid that I was going to awaken the XYL, I went into the shack until the coughing stopped. I noticed on the computer screen that KH8SI was on 160, and a few calls later, he was in the log. Otherwise I would have awoken too late for any prop on 160. The 160 meter operator was doing a super job. 

And the previous night, jet-lagged from returning to Washington State from a week in Detroit earlier in the evening, and unable to sleep in, I went into the shack in the wee hours of the morning and discovered KH8SI with Kan at the mike on 75 meter ssb. I should always have such luck! I guess the dx gods were smiling.

Jim Simon,   W1YY/7
  The biological alarm clock was used by the famous Gus Browning. He 
  determined calibrated amounts of liquid to drink at bedtime to wake him 
  at the time when the DX would be active. QST did a nice sidebar article 
  about Gus back in the mid-1990s.

  73 from another Gus,

  Gus Hansen, KB0YH

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