Topband: Elevated Radials and Interaction

Dennis W0JX w0jx at
Mon Aug 7 13:52:47 EDT 2006

It seems like the discussion of elevated vs ground radials can go on forever! One major issue not being discussed much, however, is the terrible interaction that can occur between elevated radials and receiving antenna systems.
  Beverages can really be affected as well as the loop types, such as K9AY's and Flags. Just as Larry, W7IUV, about his receiving antenna experiences while using
  elevated radials in AZ.
  Elevated radials are impossible here because of the close spacing of my receiving
  antennas and my 80 foot shunt fed tower. It works just great with 30 quarter wave
  ground radials.
  Another side effect not discussed here is the effect of the ground screen on the
  performance of the multiband yagi on top of the tower. I've seen no studies on this
  but have heard people say such a ground system also improves the performance of the higher frequency antennas on the tower.
  73, Dennis W0JX/8

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