Topband: Beverage Installation Question.

John Vickers wa4tt at
Mon Aug 14 21:39:44 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Clements" <philc at>

>I have laid out a path for another Beverage. It is through heavy brush. How
> far to each side do I need to clear the path before the law of diminishing
> returns occurs? ON4UN's book does not cover nearness to brush and trees 
> that
> might affect the pattern/gain.

If not for the brush, mine would be on the ground !  I use insulated wire 
and route it over limbs, hang it with small cord under limbs etc. I do keep 
them straight and at a fairly uniform heighth. If brush is causing Beverage 
degradation at this QTH, its not enough to warrant clearing right of way !! 
Only problems here are falling debris on them. I keep them a bit slack to 
lessen chance of breakage.
73, WA4TT

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