Topband: cards

W7lr at W7lr at
Sat Aug 19 15:38:27 EDT 2006

There can be some interesting stories associated with certain qsl or swl  
One which triggered this idea was a card from KK7YJ of Missoula MT, about  
200 miles from here in Bozeman MT.  I had just finished having my morning  qso 
with Bob VK3ZL on 1824.5 KHz when Jim called.  His card said that he  was using 
a rain gutter for a 160m antenna due to local restrictions.  A  little 
different antenna than most on topband!
The rest of the stories are not about 160 but you might find them  
interesting. I'll make them short to not take up too much bandwidth.
MX2B Manchuria.  I worked him in 1938 but didn't get a card.   Helping clean 
up the estate of sk W6ALQ, I found such a qsl that Max had  worked.  It is now 
on my wall - doesn't count, but don't think Max  minds.  The rest of Max's 
rare cards I sent to the qsl museum in  Austria.
C3YW - from Tim ex BV2A when he was in mainland, Foochow China, 1946. 
DE8395 swl card received just recently from Rolf, now DL3AO, for  reception 
of my signal from VQ3HGE in Tanganyika  May 1948 when I was the  operator there 
on the first post-war dxpedition. 
I1KN - First qso from VQ4EHG in Kenya.  Also best man at our wedding  in 
Florence Italy in 1949. 
MX2AG in 1947, the card says Korea.  Was it Korea or Manchuria?
My own SWL cards from 1933 when I listened on a little #30 tube rx, oatmeal  
box coil, and sent to cw stations that I copied.  
DL6WD, Rudi,   sk,  his qsl for MT qso for last state for  5BWAS.  Reminds me 
of the great visit with he and his family in Germany  before that.  
Well the rest of the story is a long one.  Hope to add a few new ones  in the 
upcoming 160m season.
73 Bob W7LR   

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