Topband: Soldering ground radials

Donald Chester k4kyv at
Sun Dec 17 02:23:50 EST 2006

For many years I have used silver alloy brazing rods that are sold in most 
any welding shop.  They are sold for use with copper plumbing, since local 
codes now prohibit lead solder because of the danger of the lead leaching 
into the water.  They come in rods about 18" long and about 1/8" wide.  A 
propane torch does not get hot enough, but Mapp gas torches work well.  You 
need to heat the copper to a dull  red glow.  No flux is needed; copper 
soaks up the molten solder like a sponge  soaks up water. Just clean off any 
scaly oxide.  After 25 years there has been absolutely no deterioration in 
my radial system.

Years ago I had a radial system soldered together using regular lead/tin 
acid core solder.  I had to re-solder the radials about once a month.  
Otherwise, the solder turned to a white powder, and the soldered connections 
simply fell apart.

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