Topband: Measuring field strength

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Thu Dec 21 09:40:08 EST 2006

Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

>I'd like to make some field strength measurements while I'm working on
>it; I'm not worried about absolute measurements; I just want to make
>some relative ones.
>My gut feeling is that 5 wavelengths is sufficient for good relative
>comparisons.  I doubt I can get further away.  Closer would be more
>convenient for me.  How far away is far enough?


If you use the distance of one mile to make your FSM  you can tap into 
the wealth of FCC  ( and other enginneering data  that  use  
measurements at one mile with 1KW into a vertical.  If you can borrow a 
professional field strength meter from a BC station engineer you can get 
the microvolts per meter and compare your results imperically to a known 
standard.  You will be surprised  how little it takes to approach the 
ideal values, depending of course on the soil conductivity and number of 
radials you can run out.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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