Topband: strange conditions

Hardy Landskov n7rt at
Sat Dec 30 13:08:30 EST 2006

At 06:21 PM 12/29/06 -0500, Joe Giacobello wrote:
>PACER99 at wrote:
>> N7RT who is only 100 miles north of me reported hearing only one European  
>> station. I worked 30.
>I am a newcomer to 160M this season and, admittedly, am not using low 
>noise, directional antennas on receive, but I have observed what Larry 
>has described here.  Often I have heard other stations 100-200 miles 
>away from me hearing and working DX that I can't even copy via ESP.  Is 
>this typical for 160M?  In other words, are signals often received only 
>within a narrow geographic window?
>73, Joe
I find this to be especially true when 10 meters is really hot. When I
lived in San Diego, stations in LA were running JA's that were not copiable
in San Diego. Also I could work Africans right through the East Coast many
times. You just have to wait until the spotlight shines on you. I think 160
is much the same way.
73 Hardy N7RT

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