Topband: The Challenge of Topband from the City

Eric Rosenberg wd3q at
Wed Feb 1 00:12:36 EST 2006

As I read about and look at pictures of those Beverage antenna farms, I 
can't even imagine what it's like to be in such a quiet RF environment.

Someone asked "how bad is it in the city?" For those who don't consider 
top band enough of a challenge in itself, here's what I face living on 
40x144 ft city lot. The data from the FCC database; check out AMSTNS.EXE 
>From W3OTC for plotting and other relevant information)

1)  Within 5 KM:
WWRC       AM 1260 kHz DA2  Daytime        5.0   kW

2) Within 10 KM (6 miles):
WTEM       AM 980  kHz DA2  Daytime        50.0   kW
WTOP       AM 1500 kHz DA2  Daytime        50.0   kW

3) Between 10 KM and 20 KM (12.4 miles) add these two:
WUST       AM 1120 kHz NDD  Daytime        20.0   kW
WPGC       AM 1580 kHz DAD  Daytime        50.0   kW

You can check out WB5WPAs website where he put my spectrum analyzer shots:  and

So to all of those stations who called but I never heard, my apologies. 

Hang in there... I'll eventually hear you in the next go-around!

Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC

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