Topband: 160m test cq

Michael Sapp Michael_Sapp_WA3TTS at
Wed Feb 1 11:08:51 EST 2006

Hi Folks: IMHO, two simple rule changes could make this contest more
        1.  CQ Policy
        1a. NA stations CQ only above 1850
        1b. EU and Africa CQ only 1825 to 1850
        1c. Asia and Oceania CQ only 1.800 to 1.825

        2. DX QSO POINTS

        2a. DX QSOs worked QSX get 12 points, log both FQs for points
        2b. DX QSOs worked on single FQ  get 10 points

        I would think the points reward would immediately encourage
positive behavior on the bands. 40m phone
        never seems to have a  "can of worms" effect with split operation
in a DX contest. Also, most simple wire antennas will
        hear fine at 1.800 even if they are resonant on 1.875. So there
would be no appliance operator whining about
        "my antenna wont go there".

        Another possible "Gentleman's agreement" would be to pause 10
seconds between CQs. Other stations should
        respect the CQer's use of FQ (Don't try to steal it), but that
gives enough time for other stations to work nearby DX
        in the 10 sec lull without the RX AGC saturating.

        That's my humble 2 cents on the issue, if it's worth that.

        Mike  WA3TTS / W3KWH


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