Topband: PA6Z-signal in CQWW

Dick knaap159 at
Tue Jan 31 16:22:00 EST 2006

Hello all,

We enjoyed the big 160m mess as well, with a relatively 'small'
station.....just 600-700W into an
25 meter top-loaded vertical with 36 radials.
However I set up a good reception system consisting of no less than 6
beverages in various directions.

I, and with me most of our operators, found the same problem: a lot of
stations on, with  a large number
of people not able to listen well.
Also some confusion with exchanged country code's  S5 giving SI and Russians
giving ER for instance,
but some did give UA..........
So, that really added something, one should listen carefully and watch out
for pre-programmed stuff in
contest programms, like N1MM that gave standard S5 for S5 and not SI......,
or UA instead of ER....
Wonder what logcontrollers will do with these things.........I guess there
will be plenty mistakes........

Finally, I wonder how our signal was compaired to other PA's, like PI4COM
and PC5M and how people
who worked us think about our 'ears'
You can leave a mesage in our guestbook

Thanks all, I enjoyed the contest

Dick, PA4VHF (one of the PA6Z CQWW-160m CW operators)

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