Topband: CQ 160

Tom Rauch w8ji at
Tue Jan 31 17:17:21 EST 2006

>          Sometimes this has funny consequences.
> The following actually happened this weekend.  I
> was tuning around and heard M0*** CQ-ing underneath
> W4**, neither of whom were hearing each other and
> neither of whom I had worked.  I signed my call once
> and, lo and behold, BOTH came back.  I then gave my
> 599NC, both acknowledged and I went on my merry
> way chuckling to myself!  Unfortunately it doesn't
> always work that smoothy!  :-)  This was at 2229z
> on 29 January if it rings a bell with anyone reading
> this.

None of us really don't know if the two stations or more
stations sharing a frequency actually hear each other.

We sat for hours sharing a frequency with Eu stations CQing
underneath us and after three moves decided despite the loss
of Eu contacts to not move. The reason is anytime we moved
it always made someone else angry. So the choice is be a bad
guy and stay put when someone else comes on or  up out of
the noise, or be a worse guy and move somewhere and bother
someone else.

The problem is there are too many people in too small of an
area. We just have to live with being fiends on Sunday and
being friends on Monday.

73 Tom

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