Topband: New rules? (Was CQ 160 WW)

Lee K7TJR k7tjr at
Tue Jan 31 22:31:02 EST 2006

Yes life is Cruel sometimes..  I was fortunate enough to be in the NW where we can hear JA stations very well. I had allready worked 80 or 90 of them by CQing in "their window" when I began to hear the JA stations calling someone else on the freq I was CQing on. The distant station got louder and louder and there became a JA pile-up on it. I decided to give up the freq and let them have it as it seemed very desirable to all the JA's. No sooner had I quit sending my CQ when along comes another Loud US station and starts his barrage right on this freq.. Yes life is cruel sometimes so we just need to pick out our niche and have fun. It might be interesting to think about a rule to segment up the band for CQing only with major continents/zones having exclusive cq windows but casual contacts (s/p) any country anywhere in the band.  Probably like all rules, hard to enforce but it sure would separate out the DX from those that wanted to CQ..

Regards all   Lee K7TJR

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