Topband: Winter's Dreams, Summer's Schemes...!

Ed Swynar gswynar at
Sat Jul 8 15:23:36 EDT 2006

Good Sunny Afternoon All,

I've just come from the out-of-doors with an absolute epiphamy (sp?) as to what I'm going to erect this season to support my 160-meter DX'ing activities...

The trees & one tower at the front of my property are PERFECT to support the construction of a 3-element trianglular phased inverted "L" array. Each vertical will be spaced 1/4-wavelength from the other, and I plan on using 135-degree phasing for the "lead" element(s). Of course, with such a set-up, I'll have the choice at any time of running just two inverted "L's" --- this way I can transmit NE/SW, SE/NW, or N/S, by virtue of the location of each "L"...

With all three elements in play, the options (and theoretical gain) increase even more.

Why did I fail to see these possibilities before...?! And we've lived in this same QTH for over 15 years now, too!

As for receiving, I plan on augmenting my E/W K9AY loop with one that favours N/S, as well --- I'll rig it up so that I can switch between the two, and in one, or the other, of each direction offered by any one loop. The logistics of switching the inverted "L's" on the other hand, still need to be worked out. I have some VERY heavy-duty Centralab-type ceramic power rotary switches accumulating dust in the junque boxxe here that are just aching to be put to work. I'm sure I can figure it all out, with pen & paper in hand --- but, barring that eventuality, I can always employ the tried & true "Armstrong" method of disconnecting, & then reconnecting, PL-259's from/to the appropriate termination point(s).

Too bad the lion's share of all this good work will have to be deferred until the end of grass-cutting season here...still, that hasn't prevented me from already erecting all three "L's"! I'll cut the wires for ground radials during the course of the summer, and simply store them away pending "mothballing" of the mower!

I think it's going to be a VERY interesting season on Top Band this time around... 

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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