Topband: getting ready for the AADX

mike l dormann w7dra at
Mon Jun 12 21:55:13 EDT 2006

Well, I have the inverted L up, with two pieces of copper pipe buried out
in the tide flats with pieces of #12 stranded house wire connecting them
it to the base of the inverted L.

High tide now puts water within 15 feet of the vertical portion of the

To you "verticals on the beach" crowd, how to do you do radials? People
walk on the beach, there are rocks and sand mixed together so you can't
really dig a hole very easily, let alone put in a grounding rod.........

I did not have any coax at my mother in law's house, so made a twisted
pair using the house wire (about 30 feet) , connecting the antenna to the
tuner, which link couples the antenna.

Hopefully I will be able to test the set up in a couple of days, from
1000Z to 1200Z 15 June 2007, and maybe make a couple of far east/Oceania

I am going to change the PPL 810 power supply if I can, as I am only
getting about 300 watts out so far.

For receiving I plan to use the same set up I used in the KCJ Topband
contest, an NC57 with a two stage 450 Khz xtal filter and a BC453 for a
BFO and audio.

mike w7dra/7

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