Topband: XF4

Ryszard Tymkiewicz rtym at
Mon Nov 6 02:31:24 EST 2006

I would like to THANK Dietmar DL3DXX for his patience and persistence on 160m from Soccoro Island.
He gave many of us new ones during his activities T2OFW, 3D2DK, ZL7DK, P29DXX, S21XX, VK9CR,
For last two weeks he was every our morning on 160m (so was I getting up 0400 local time hi) but just in the
last morning I had luck to hear him for only 3 minutes (succesfully). It was very difficult path from North-East 
part of Europe,I know many EUs from West and South worked them easily but only a few OH,YL,LY ,UA2.

                     Thanks Mar and All crew
                     Thanks Chris DL5NAM for news and logs.

        73 and GL for NA with will be similar like XF4 for us.


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