Topband: 3 wire gamma section

Paul Kelley N1BUG paul.kelley.n1bug at
Tue Nov 28 15:32:12 EST 2006

Fellow Topbanders,

This is probably another of those questions I can't find an answer 
to because it is obvious to everyone else. But it's so late in the 
season and so cold working topside I will show my ignorance rather 
than blunder forward and possibly into trouble.

When using a 3-wire cage for the gamma section on a shunt fed tower, 
  does it do any good to electrically connect the 3 wires at points 
other than the bottom, top, and at the location of the short to the 
tower? I think not, but would like some advice before I continue. 
The main reason I went to the trouble of using 3 wires is to reduce 
reactance and hence lower voltage across the capacitor.

Thanks & 73,
Paul N1BUG

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