Topband: K9DX's radial additions

Tree tree at
Wed Oct 4 20:07:34 EDT 2006

On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 05:59:37PM -0500, john battin wrote:

> One of the great things about radials, is that when you get beat-up in a 
> pile-up, you can always go out and add a few more  .... It always works, or 
> at least it seems so.
> John k9dx

John of course has done this the wrong way.

Most of us add radials to an existing vertical radiator.

Whenever John gets beat out in a pileup, he adds radials to a NEW vertical 

He ended up with 9 of them (vertical radiators), and evidently hasn't had to 
"add" any more radials since then.


Tree N6TR

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