Topband: RE MA160V vertical.

by way of Bill Tippett <> mailman-bounces at
Sun Sep 3 13:53:52 EDT 2006

From: "Andy" <ve9dx at>
To: <topband at>
Subject: RE MA160V vertical.
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 11:10:29 -0300

Good morning
 Wonder if anyone on the reflector 
is using the MA160V vertical.  Having space 
limitations + no tall tree’s and wanting to get 
on 160 with something other than my 80 mtr dipole 
I have located a MA160V in the box.
Over the last few years it has been a real 
challenge providing the VE9 mult for all those that have requested.
I have a spot available out on the small lake 
behind the house available but curious as to if it is worth the effort.
Please reply directly
 73 Andy (VE9DX)
<mailto:ve9dx at>ve9dx at

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