Topband: K9AY LOOP

AD5VJ Bob rtnmi at
Sat Sep 23 19:47:15 EDT 2006

I have been studying today on the k9ay loop antenna. I think I might be able to implement this here instead of the modified
horizontal bazooka "T".

The only thing I can not figure out is the transformer part of it. 

I have no transformer to use in it. However, if the transformer is only for impedance matching, I can feed it with twin lead.

I can not buy a xfmr or the materials to make one at this point; according to the XYL no monies will be spent on anything radio
until I can secure a job (got laid off)

So if I have the terminating resistor and can feed it with twin lead do I have to have the transformer? 

Or can I just run them both to the ground rod directly?

  73 fer nw,

FISTS: # 12637
10X# 37210, FP#-1141
SMIRK#-5177, RARS #-149

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