Topband: W1AW inconsistency wd western US

Tree tree at
Fri Sep 29 15:20:51 EDT 2006

On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 09:12:24AM -0700, Jim Brown wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 06:35:00 -0700, Steve McDonald wrote:
> >By far the loudest signal the last two nights has been from 
> >PA0CLN and yourself, both hitting an honest 599 at times.
> This is far from universally true. I'm in the Santa Cruz mountains, 
> at the bottom edge of the San Francisco Bay area, a semi-rural and 
> moderately quiet QTH, but I have yet to hear any signals from EU 
> with either a dipole or vertical. When I've seen spots and heard 
> nothing but pileups and no DX, I've called CQ a lot 5 kHz or so 
> down. I've yet to see myself spotted from EU. I'm working on a 
> Beverage pointed to EU, and hope to have it running this weekend. 

I forgot to mention that stations just 200 km or so north of me seem
to be hearing Europe much better than I am.  

So - I would imagine another 1000 km or so to get down to your QTH
has a huge impact.  

Best bet for the first signal to hear will be EA3JE.  It is rare to be
heard in Europe before hearing any of the big guns (DF2PY, SM5EDX, GM3POI,
etc) quite well.

Tree N6TR
tree at

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