Topband: End of season

n1sv at n1sv at
Wed Apr 25 07:19:26 EDT 2007

As is customary for me each spring, I too have rolled up my radials and departed topband until October.  I suppose several years ago when I put up my inverted-L it would have been easier in the long run to have buried the radials in my backyard but alas hindsight is twenty twenty.  

Its been an incredible lowband DX season for me especially with no RX antenna.  It still amazes me what you can work on 160 with no RX antenna if your patient!  Each year I tell myself I need to solve this problem but each summer after comparing antenna designs and my constraints I never seem to be able to settle on a design.  I think the challenge for me on 160 has become how many countries I can work with no RX antenna (Ya I know I'm sadistic).

So with an ever growing list of antenna projects and the nice weather now upon us here in the Northen Hemisphere (and with appologies to my friends South of the Equator), I bid my fellow topbanders so long for now.

Les, N1SV

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