Topband: End of season ??????

robert briggs vk3zl at
Wed Apr 25 18:04:25 EDT 2007

Hi again all.Thanks to all who mailed me with reassurance that they certainly will be around through their summer season.So I will be looking forward to business as usual.
Prop has been a bit slack recently but I am still managing a few contacts.
In actual fact there certainly well defined seasons on Topband between different areas.European and the North African/Mediterranian signals generally appear here around late October and start dropping away in March.Also we find the same for JA signals which are strongest here during my simmer with only a few regulars still apparent during my winter.South American prop seems to peak during mid winter then fades away after September.USA generally is workable throughout the year with no defined season.
All this is looking from my perspective from this location in South East Australia.VK6 would have a different pattern being a couple of thousand miles west from here.
I had a very mediocre EU season this year working around 390 contacts from December to early March.Prop dropped away very quickly late February.In comparison 2005/6 EU season brought in around 560 contacts over the same period.I only managed a few new countrys this year.
Good Dxing all..


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