Topband: RX 4 square

Niko Cimbur ac6dd at
Tue Aug 21 22:51:20 EDT 2007

It looks like Summer is coming to an end, and topbanders are coming out of the woodwork.

I set up the dxerx4sq group so everyone can see the  responses to queries about this antenna, instead of the "Thank you to everyone who responded to my questions" postings on this reflector.  By doing so I am not trying to take away from this reflector, but compliment it.

I restricted the group a few days ago because the spammers found it.  All you need to do to join is send your call with your request to join ( not necessary if your e-mail contains it) to dxerx4sq-subscribe at 

Any postings or Cc would be appreciated by all members.

Niko - AC6DD

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