Topband: Flags and loops in restricted space

Terry Conboy n6ry at
Sat Dec 29 12:35:28 EST 2007

At 07:25 AM 2007-12-29, Björn Mohr SM0MDG wrote:
>Do I need to separate RX antennas from each other, or is it OK to place them
>close to each other? Right now I have a FO0AAA loop and a pennant very close
>to each other, the pennant points to 320 degrees and uses the same support
>as the apex of the loop which is pointing to 45 degrees. Would this
>arrangement affect the performance, or is it OK to keep them this way?
>What else should I consider when having restricted space and using loops
>like this?

My EZNEC model shows very little interaction 
between the two antennas.  There is some minor 
change to the back lobes at low elevations, but 
this is where the signals are down almost 25 dB from the main lobe.

The coupled currents between the two loops are 
down 35 dB or more.  In general, small (in 
wavelengths) non-resonant antennas have low 
mutual impedances.  Having the two loops almost 
90 degrees apart probably helps, too.

73, Terry N6RY 

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