Topband: ANOTHER Beverage antenna questions

Bill Tippett btippett at
Thu Feb 8 10:36:43 EST 2007

G3ROO wrote:
 >Playing with EZNEC I get max reception for when looking from the source to
the load.....

 >With the K9AY it is reversed..... Why???

         Two completely different mechanisms.
A Beverage achieves F/R by travelling wave
reinforcement along the wire and rejection
from the undesired direction (dissipated
in the termination resistor).  K9AY, EWE,
Pennant/Flag are all basically variations
of small phased verticals (i.e. achieve
F/R like the traditional cardioid pattern of
a pair of phased verticals).

                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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