Topband: Wonderpole

Michael Tope W4EF at
Sat Feb 10 11:48:01 EST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Tippett" <btippett at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 6:33 AM
Subject: Topband: Wonderpole

> K5TR wrote:
>         Thanks George...complete info there:
> fully extracted length (height)  18m (60ft)
> transportation length 1.70m (5ft 7")
> weight 6.8kg (15lbs)
>         Looks perfect!
>                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

For a DXpedition kind of arrangement it looks like
the Spiderbeam pole is a better solution (taller, lighter).
The main reason I like the Wonderpole is that it is
very easy to extend it in place without having to tilt it
over (I don't have room for that). I just stand on a
small stool so I can reach the top, and then just lift
each section up starting with the smallest and innermost
and then work my way up, locking each section with
the twist-lock collett as I go. You can probably do this
with the Spiderbeam pole, but it might be a little less
forgiving and a bit more cumbersome since you have
to jam the end of each section into the taper at the top
of the adjacent section and then tape or clamp it
(Spiderbeam recommends clamps). That's why I
think the Wonderpole is particularly well suited to
small deed restricted properties where you want to
raise your antenna on a moments notice to say work a
new one and then immediately retract it. If you have
enough room where you can do a tilt over, then the
Spiderbeam pole is probably better owing to it longer

73, Mike W4EF.....................................


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