Topband: DX0JP Antenna - Photos available
Bill Tippett
btippett at
Mon Feb 19 10:12:02 EST 2007
I wrote:
> I received the following from Hiro JA4DND who
operated Topband from DX0JP:
>I set up 2el phased array for TX ,2 directions beverage and K9AY for RX
>But 2el phased array is better than beverage for EC
>I think the reason why is inverter noise from solar house in the
>island ,not sure
>2 ele phased array was setting N and S beam, I beam to S for EC and
>N for EU and JAs
>FB ratio is about S4 unit ,
>element length is about 21.5m for vertical unit(11.5m of AL pipe and
>10m glassfiber lot) + 20m wire(0.9mm dia)
>6 wire radials was set per each element and COMTEK PCS2V
>Material of radial is all aluminum (1.5mm dia) and some of radials
>go to in the sea.
>we have to bring a lot of radials for 40m and 80m 4SQ too
>.from my memory Total length of radials are about 1300m
>But not so heavy caused by aluminum wire
> Some of us noticed Hiro's signal would suddenly
appear and then disappear. This was apparently caused when
he switched his phased array from North (to EU/JA/Western NA)
to South (Eastern NA via long path). Before his trip I explained to
Hiro that our best chance for EC-NA might be via LP which would
also avoid the BY Dragon to the north. Fortunately the Dragon
was relatively quiet during the expedition.
Pictures of the 2 element vertical array
are now available below. Scroll down to view it
in the last two pictures on page 1.
Hiro-san JA4DND is also shown at the Topband
operating position in the last picture on page 2.
73, Bill W4ZV
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