Topband: Yorba Linda Report

Rick D n6pe at
Mon Feb 19 10:32:56 EST 2007

Hello all,

This past weekend was amazing. Here at my powerful station I usually have a 10-15 min window to JA during the ARRL 160 and CQ 160. This weekend I was hearing JAs from about 1200Z to past 1400Z.

It seemed liked there weren't many people working the contest, on most bands there was 1 or 2 kHz between stations, but I picked up about 5 new ones on 160 (up to 49 worked). If there was more activity I think the left coast could have worked a lot of Asian countries.

The new receiving loop worked VERY WELL with the JAs as loud on it as on the L. It is a diamond loop attached to my wooden fence, between the 8 foot spaced posts and top/bottom rails. It is fed at the bottom about 6" off the ground and tuned to 160 with a trimmer. I also have a matching transformer and coax balun on the feed line. The fence runs right toward 300-degrees. I have another similar loop about 60 feet down the line I'm going to play with phasing.

Rick Darwicki  -= N6PE =-
17775 Elmhurst Circle
Yorba Linda, CA 92886

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