Topband: 160 mts noise

Eduardo Araujo er_araujo at
Wed Feb 21 19:32:53 EST 2007

Hi all, I finally manage to install a kind of inverted
V hanging from the corner of the building about 45 mts
tall, so the building is more or less in the middle of
the antenna.
My rig is IC751A, In LSB mode, NO preamplifier, I have
9+5 of noise in the clearest spots (+15 PRE ON)
I will try for this weekend a coax loop according W8JI
The noise is composed of mixed noise from spitting
from broacast, electric, etc. I have an efficient HPF
in the receiver line.

With this high noise I don´t think I´ll be able to
hear distant dx not even the powerfull ones.

For those living in noisy areas, which is the noise
you have from your tx antennas?

I only count with the roof building for
experimentation and I wonder if this is the end of my
road on 160...
Many thanks in advance and if you prefer to answer
directly to save badwith is also Wellcome....Edy, LU2DKT

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