Topband: What do you use as a "Run" antenna?

Victor Kean vkean at
Mon Feb 26 21:29:55 EST 2007

> what others use as their first choice for listening when "running"
> before switching to a better RX antenna? 

I try to listen on the Beverage that points in the direction from which I
hope to hear some DX.  Then I tune around with the RIT to make sure
the ESP isn't manufacturing a signal.  If its a mixed domestic/DX test,
then I run around the compass hitting SE, SW, and NW.  From here,
(Ohio) the FLs and the MNs and the WWAs seem to be weaker in
general than other directions.  If its a DX only test, then usually I just
listen in the directions where the DX is likely to come from: NE and
SE in the evening, and NW and SW in the morning, and spend a bit
more time tweaking the RIT.

Victor, K1LT
not an expert on running

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