Topband: Technical Issues

Chortek, Robert L Robert.Chortek at
Fri Jan 26 16:43:48 EST 2007

Hello All,
I recently had an experience that might benefit others with respect to
how to deal with similar issues, whatever they may be.  

A little background:

Several weeks back I was trying to hook up my new amp.  For various
reasons the keying was very erratic and sounded awful at times, if not
downright unintelligible.  The problem was intermittent, sometimes the
amp worked great, sometimes not. One morning when the problem was at its
worst, a ham sent me a cw message: "r u kidding" clearly implying that I
should not be on the air with such awful cw (and he was right).  He did
not know about my little technical problem, nor did he inquire.  That
very same morning, however, I received a very polite email message from
a fellow top band op who took the time to find my email address
(presumably on and pointed out what he had heard so that I
might be advised of the problem and take corrective action.  

The point is that there are many ways to bring such problems to one's



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