Topband: Run antenna

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at
Fri Mar 2 14:09:43 EST 2007

FWIW, here's my setup when running on topband and it works well for me
- I've got the Orion configured with a hb switchbox for NE/SW, SE/NW
switchable Beverages, audio and footswitch.  After cq, I initially
listen to NE/mainrx/left and SE/subrx/right (stereo) - if nothing
heard for a few secs, I step on the footswitch to reverse Beverages to
SW/left and NW/right.  If the caller is weak, I can throw one toggle
switch and feed both ears with the same audio.  The initial default
direction is reversible (i.e., want to favor US callers via SW/NW), as
are the directions.  Also, I can feed the tx antenna to either ear
with the Orion front panel.

Barry N1EU

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