Topband: SU8DLH March 05th to 10th 2007

Rudi - DK7PE dk7pe at
Sat Mar 3 05:18:20 EST 2007

Hello Topbanders,

A small group of Egyptian and German radio amateurs will operate under 
the call SU8DLH from Cairo/Egypt March 05th to 10th. All shortwave bands 
SSB/CW and some digital modes.

160m will only be possible with a maximum 100 Watts and an inverted Vee 
fixed at 18m! QSL via Christofer, DK2CL.

By the way: The complete version (27 minutes 90MB WMV) of the 5A7A Video 
can be downloaded from Rapidshare. The link is on my homepage

73s Rudi - DK7PE

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