Topband: end of thread - 27 days rotation Moon & Sun

cris blak cyo3fff at
Wed Mar 7 09:39:47 EST 2007

Hello All,

Thanks to few of you who post a comment on this subject. For me is not clear what is what (the Sun has an influence on the magnetosphere for sure and indirectly to the ionosphere but the magnetic turbulence done by the Moon is not clear to me what kind of influence it have on the ionosphere - for sure the Moon doesn't radiate as the Sun does but it have a mass close to the earth!). I think this is the situation with most of you all on this reflector.
I'm still interested in good information about the subject so, if anyone have such info than please share it with me, if is possible.

Many thanks and good DX!

73 de YO3FFF

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