Topband: Moon and the Ionosphere : YO3FFF

by way of Bill Tippett <> topband-bounces at
Thu Mar 15 09:56:25 EST 2007

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 07:46:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: cris blak <cyo3fff at>
Subject: Re: Topband: Moon and the Ionosphere : YO3FFF

Hello Carl,

Thanks for suggestion to dig in the archive of this list. I find 
interesting the following posts:

21.0ct.2002 NM7M Bob, G3REP Bob;

The very best is the one of Bob G3REP on 07 Oct 2004! Is there 
anybody who verify/ read about the influence of the moon [L]/sun [Sq] 
parameter to the 160m propagation? How about the theory of the dynamo 
effect on the wave propagation? Is there anybody who have the Massey 
and Boyd "The Upper Atmosphere" Pub. Hutchinson & Co 1958 on pdf? I'm 
interested to read it.(thanks)

N0FP draw an interesting picture on his e-mail from 19 Oct 2005 
regarding the position of the Moon/Sun and the interaction of there 
magnetic fields and the Earth magnetic field. It make sense for me 
but I don't know if this idea was verified?! I do think that the 
ionosphere is not affected by only ionization things coming from 
outside but the magnetic field too.

I also think that Pat N8VW has right on his e-mail on 19. Oct 2005 
when he said that cosmic rays (other than the Sun's) have influenced 
the ionosphere and the propagation. GRB (Gamma Ray Burst) is a good example.

Again Bob G3REP on 25 Oct 2005 put on the table some writings which 
sustain the little influence of the Moon on the ionospheric 
propagation. Well documented and the question from the end of the 
e-mail still there I think:
"One wonders if we will ever find a conclusive answer."

And thats the story on the subject.

If couple of us want to answer to the question than should set-up an 
experiment! One or two beacons of high power (or about 100-200W) and 
couple of reception points. The propagation path should be choose in 
order to achieve a DX propagation in all direction of interest and 
also a short direction just for having an imagine of the first 
reflection (the distance should be beyond the ground wave action). 
Also could be a good idea to record the beacon on a middle range to 
see if some ducting could appear. This experiment should carry on for 
at least one year to be relevant.

Such kind of experiment in a serious matter was this:

Is this test of any interest for the community? If yes than who want 
to contribute to such test?

73 de YO3FFF

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