Topband: Report from the still devastated Miss. Gulf Coast

Charles Otnott wd5bjt at
Mon Mar 19 08:41:32 EST 2007

Dear Fellow Static Crash Listeners:

I have been reading much data regarding the enhanced
propagation effects during the days just prior to, and
after, the Spring/Fall Equinox and Summer Solstice.

For the last several mornings I was hearing wispers
of JA stations. Today, thanks to the patience of
the gentlemen on the band, I worked JA7NI. This was
done on a textbook, "ON4UN's Low-Band DXing" chapter
14, very low dipole and 100 watt output. This QSO
completes one goal of WAC on 160 meters with this
set up.

Thanks to JA7NI for his patience to pull my weak
signal out of the hoard of callers and the signal

Now for the hard part...getting those elusive QSL

73 & Best DX


See September 2006 CQ Magazine for a published work.

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